The Free Roof Evaluation –
A building owner services representative will visit your project, evaluate and assess the conditions of your roof, and recommend methods of addressing any existing or future projects.
The Report –
A building owner representative will provide a detailed report that outlines and identifies deficiencies in your roofing system, explaining the potential impact of these problems on your system and provide solutions.
The Specification –
A building owner representative will discuss the inspection report and answer any questions you might have regarding the suggested solutions. Roofers’ Advantage can also help you prepare a set of site specific “Technical Specifications” to perform any recommended work.
The Contractor Consultation –
A building owners’ representative will have prequalified all contractors who bid our specification. Once contractors have been selected, Roofers’ Advantage will send out specifications and a date will be set for bid gathering.
The Restoration –
Roofers’ Advantage will provide the means for you to restore your existing roofing system by offering re-roofing options by developing the most practical cost-effective solution.
The Warranty –
Roofers’ Advantage Warranty coverage for work completed includes a labor and material warranty when the work is completed by a Roofers’ Advantage Certified Contractor in conjunction with Roofers’ Advantage Design Services. In addition, Roofers’ Advantage will pull the warranty directly with the shingle manufacturer giving you manufacturing defect coverage for shingles. Furthermore, our Certified Contractors will pull a warranty directly with the manufacturer for additional coverage based on the shingle installed.