To Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers:
First of all, we at Roofers’ Advantage® want to thank you for your time. We are in the business of revolutionizing the roofing industry through INNOVATION FOR TOMMOROW™. Roofers’ Advantage® Products, LLC was founded as a vehicle to license to others or directly sell our patented portfolio of roofing products.
At this time, we are actively seeking manufacturing partners for our patented family of roofing shingles. As roofers by trade, we set out to improve the ease and quality of roofing installations. The culmination of our efforts is our patented line of shingles, which eliminate steps now required by contractors while reducing the educational requirements currently placed on manufactures.
For instance, our patented starter shingles use a series of marks that allow an accurate grid for field shingle placement to be created quickly and accurately, without the need for many of the tools currently required. In addition, our patented field shingles, which use a similar marking system, allow the contractor to quickly cut accurate books. Multiple additional benefits will become evident to anyone skilled in the art after using these products.
As you watch this video, please note that in many cases our shingles will eliminate the need for a tape measure, simplifying the roofing process and ensuring uniformity while reducing the number of tools that need to be brought up to the roof. In general, the starter shingle or starter roll becomes the tape measure and the marks on the back or front of field shingles aid in accurate cutting of books and provide for patented nail placement guidelines.
Shingle features and benefits include, but are not limited to:
- Marks on rake starter shingles maintain field shingle reveal to the weather
- Marks on eave starter shingles maintain field shingle side lap requirements
- Marks on field shingles maintain specific shingle nail placement requirements
- Marks on starter shingles maintain field shingle reveals around roof protrusions
- Marks on backs of shingles provides for cutting shingles accurately for stair method installations
Thank you for watching the video – if you see the potential and have a desire to discuss bringing the latest technologies and solutions, which are embodied in these shingles, to the marketplace, we would like to invite you to contact us here at Roofers’ Advantage ®.
- Patent Number 9,540,817
- Patent Number 10,041,253
- Patent Application Number 16/030,084